Dating Sites For Early 20s

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  1. Best Dating Sites For Early 20s
  2. Early 20s Age
  3. Best Dating Site For Early 20s
  4. Best Dating Apps For 20s
  5. Early 20s Vs Late 20s
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EliteSingles was created as a professional dating site. You can create a profile, view your matches, and receive limited messages for free. EliteSingles Post navigation Top 6 Best Dating Sites for Young Adults and Millennials in 2019. The site also has a premium option, which allows for unlimited messaging, full photo viewing, and more matches. Your desires have shifted from fun flings to settling down. In your early 20s, parties, one-night stands and meaningless flings are abundant. In a way, dating is a form of entertainment to pass.

There's no arguing that as women, we want it all: love, connection and intimacy.

EliteSingles was created as a professional dating site. You can create a profile, view your matches, and receive limited messages for free. EliteSingles Post navigation Top 6 Best Dating Sites for Young Adults and Millennials in 2019. The site also has a premium option, which allows for unlimited messaging, full photo viewing, and more matches. This dating app is particularly popular with Singapore singles in their early 20s to 30s, and is geared for those seeking a more serious relationship. CMB’s format is similar to Tinder in that a “connection” is made when both users swipe right, and at that point messages can be sent back and forth. In your 20s, you want someone who makes you happier. Another difference between dating at 20 and at 30 is, when you’re in your 20s you are looking for someone who helps you be happier in the moment. A special someone who brings a smile to your face and has a knack for cheering you up can mean the world when you are this age.

But how we interact with them and move toward receiving and giving them are markedly different as we move into and through adulthood.


In both your early 20s and late 20s, dating can seem like an adventure of discovery.

The years are spent discovering how you function in relationships, what you want as an independent woman and as a woman in a relationship.

But as you move closer to those late 20-something years, things start to shift.

1. You're over the “rules” and games you fed into in your early 20s.

Best Dating Sites For Early 20s

In your early 20s, it was sort of a sick thrill to play games. It was like you tested each guy to see how far you could push them to prove they were worthy of you. You got a thrill out of the chase, and it was secretly nice to have the upper hand at times.


But as time moved on, you started to find that after the thrill of the chase, you were let down. Something genuine and authentic seemed to be missing.

Now, you'd rather be a straight shooter. Instead of torturing your potential mate and keeping them guessing if you're interested, you let them know where they stand.

Long gone are the days when you abide by the rules of texting or not texting until after a set period of time, or the ambiguous Snapchats to string them along. That just seems like a waste of everyone's time.

If you're interested, you let them know. If you're on the fence, you let them know. You've realized that if you were in their shoes, you'd want to the same.

Instead of the thrill of the chase, you're in it for the thrill of connection.

Instead of the thrill of the chase, you're in it for the thrill of connection.

2. Your desires have shifted from fun flings to settling down.

In your early 20s, parties, one-night stands and meaningless flings are abundant. In a way, dating is a form of entertainment to pass the time and meet new people... that way, you're always armed with an entertaining story to share with your friends.

As an early 20-something, you haven't had the time or life experience to define what you want in a relationship. So, you feel things out as you go, making mistakes and learning from them.

Eventually, you learn enough to move past the fun, meaningless flings because you're looking for a bit more.

As the years tick by, you start to realize there has to be more to dating and relationships than what you've considered in the past.

Your priorities shift from being easy breezy, to a serious search for someone who has a similar outlook and vision for life as you.

Bottom line: You're over the drama.

3. You start to realize looks aren't everything.

You've invested so much time and energy in going after the guy who is 6-feet tall with the chiseled jaw line and biceps that hug his sleeves.

There's no doubt that those guys can have awesome personalities, but you've started to realize, so do the guys who don't fit that mold.

You've kissed enough chiseled-jaw princes that have turned out to be frogs at heart. So you've started to look for a spark outside of physical connection.

You've seen firsthand that you can have the best of both worlds: a physical and mental/emotional spark. And that becomes your ideal.

4. Instead of settling for convenience, you've started to define what you do and don't want.

As you move through your early 20s, it's easy to settle out of convenience and fear.

Maybe your ex cheated, and despite your gut telling you it would only continue, you stayed with them.

Maybe you saw how your date treated the waitress or bartender on your date last week, but you keep going out with them because you don't know if you'll be able to find someone else.

Your instincts tell you it isn't going to work, but you stay because you aren't sure what the other option is.

As you move through these types of relationships, you begin to see the qualities that not only bring out the best in you, but also the qualities you desire and deserve.

You begin to form a vision of what you want a relationship to feel like and look like. You have a clear set of deal-breakers that are in line with what you want out of life.

You have a clear set of deal-breakers that are in line with what you want out of life.

5. You've matured sexually.

The one-night stands, the lackluster sexual encounters… they've taught you want turns you on and what turns you off.

They've also taught you how you want to be treated and respected, both in and out of the bedroom.

You've come to realize your sexual needs are just as important as his, and as you become more comfortable with your sexuality, you're more willing to voice to your needs and how he can help you meet them.

6. You don't throw in the towel after an argument.

As an early 20-something, passion often clouds our judgement, even in the event of a disagreement or argument.

Many women have found themselves moving on after a serious disagreement because they don't have the skill or life experience to communicate and repair damage that was done.

Sometimes it seems easier to move on to than it is to step back and look at what went wrong and what could be repaired.

As you move through your 20s, you learn more effective ways of communicating, how to take responsibility for your part in arguments, how to recover from them and how they can actually build a stronger foundation for a relationship.

Throwing in the towel still happens, but more commonly after you've investigated and tried strategies to move past your relationship problems.

Dating throughout your 20s is a definite journey, and you're bound to kiss some frogs before you find your prince.

But, as each year passes by, don't forget to allow your experiences and lessons inform your decisions and vision of your future partner.

As a single, late 20-something, now's the perfect time to work on your future relationship by working on yourself and being clear about what it is you want, what you don't want and what you deserve from a partner.

Your early 20s are a time for many things: Bad takeout, poor quality bath towels that you should probably wash more, and nights spent with friends — sharing clothes and going out, only to leave the party early and watch Queer Eye. Of course, your early 20s are also a time for some major romance ups and downs. And if you've fallen in love for the first time or just had your heart completely shattered, this best dating advice for your early 20s is like a hug from your mom and an ice cream cone all in one.

Whether you found love early, have no interest in dating, or you're still looking for the right one — dating in your early 20s is a time to learn about yourself and to explore what makes you feel happy and supported in relationships. And while you're forging your own path, when it comes down to it, you are never alone. Hearing from women who have #beenthere and #donethat can be a great way to gain new perspectives and feel totally validated.


I spoke with 16 women about the best dating advice for your early 20s, and what they said is literally everything.

'I honestly never really 'dated'. My current partner was my first date and first partner. I guess if you know you like someone it's OK to just be with them you don't need to feel pressure to date other people.'

— Kim, 25

Early 20s Age

'Your early 20s are really about finding yourself. So find someone who respects you for who you are and supports you growing as an individual.'

— Penny, 23

'Dating is overrated and doesn’t need to be a huge thing. Just have fun!'

— Georgia, 21

'You are the priority! Prioritize yourself over anyone.'

Best Dating Site For Early 20s

Dating Sites For Early 20s

— Molly, 26

'Every drama feels like the end of the world in your early 20s, but I promise it’s not. You will get over it, you will heal.'

— Kyle, 26

'Don’t stress out about finding the perfect person when you’re young. Just have some fun, date around and meet different types of people. You’ll learn a lot about yourself with every relationship you go through.'

— Mandy, 25

'Everyone is a flipping mess in their early 20s, it’s fine to wait it out.'

— Mara, 27

Best Dating Apps For 20s

'We’re both really bad at cooking but we try to cook for each other. That's dating in your 20s.'

— Lisa, 23

'Personally, I’d think grad school and career first to build a strong foundation, so you can be self-sufficient financially.'

— Dineen, 38

'Communicate so you are on the same page ask questions like 'So, are we exclusive?' or 'What are your long-term expectations?'

— Beth, 32

'You are full and complete by yourself. Repeating something like, 'If love crosses my path that’s a bonus but I’m not looking for it' can be super helpful.'

— Kara, 28

'I think its important to value yourself and see your worth. Like, you don’t have to jump into a relationship just to be in one. And prioritize yourself over anyone else.'

— Mart, 24

'Don't rush things if you're feeling left out of the dating scene. Don't date because you think you have to or sleep with people because you think everyone else is doing it.'

— Cora, 26

“I’ve thought about dating and read books and written stuff and it felt too serious. So lately I’ve just been seeing where things go without trying too hard or taking it too seriously. For example, I just changed my bio on all my dating apps to 'former baby.'

Early 20s Vs Late 20s

— Lucha, 25

'When I was in college I started dating my best friend from high school, because we already knew each other so intimately. There were a lot of times when I assumed that we were on the same page or that I knew what he was thinking. I realize that this really hindered our relationship and that you can never assume to know what someone is thinking or feeling.'

— Gena, 24

'Be more direct with your partners about where you're at and ask more questions if something seems off.'

— Alice, 25

Dating in your early 20s can be overwhelming and somehow completely underwhelming at the same time. If you're looking for love, happily boo'd up, or swearing off dating forever, your early 20s is a time to do what's right for you and to find what makes you happy.